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Hernia mesh is used in hernia repair surgery. Possible complications include migration in the body, adhesion, bowel perforation, and hernia reoccurrence.


Hernia Mesh Injuries

According to the FDA, more than 1 million people in the U.S. undergo hernia repair surgeries every year. Surgical mesh is commonly used in hernia repair surgeries to help support the damaged tissue around the hernia. Medical device manufacturers like Atrium Medical, C.R. Bard, Ethicon, and Medtronic make and sell hernia mesh.

Numerous patients have reported complications after being implanted with hernia mesh. Possible complications include device migration, adhesion, and bowel perforation. In some instances, defective hernia mesh causes a hernia to come back, requiring the patient to undergo surgery all over again.

Hernia Mesh Manufacturers

There are a number of companies who make surgical mesh. Some of the hernia mesh brands that have resulted in complications include the following.

Hernia Mesh Manufacturers

  • Johnson & Johnson: Ethicon Physiomesh
  • Atrium Medical: C-Qur
  • C.R. Bard: Bard Mesh
  • Covidien/Medtronic: Parietex

Common Hernia Mesh Complications

Hernia mesh can cause a number of adverse events that may result in debilitating pain  and/or require the need for additional surgery.

Patients who experience hernia mesh complications may be eligible to file a lawsuit against the manufacturers. Contact the medical and legal experts at MedFault for a free consultation to learn more.

Device Migration

Hernia mesh may migrate to other parts of the body, including the bowels, bladder, and intestines. When surgical mesh moves, it may puncture other organs. This can result in infections, sharp pain, fevers, bloating, nausea, internal bleeding, and more. Organ perforation can cause waste and toxins to enter the bloodstream which can be fatal if left untreated.


Adhesion occurs when scar tissue surrounding the hernia mesh joins the implant and an internal organ or tissue together. As scar tissue continues to build up, it can restrict the movement and function of the organs. This can result in bowel obstruction, painful urination, chronic abdominal or pelvic pain, infertility, digestive problems, and more.

Bowel Perforation

A complication of hernia mesh migration is bowel perforation. If surgical mesh punctures the bowels, it can release fecal matter and bacteria into the bloodstream. This can result in sepsis which is a potentially fatal form of infection that may cause mental confusion, a dangerously low heart rate, rapid heartbeat, and more. If left untreated, sepsis can cause internal organs to shut down.

Hernia Recurrence

Sometimes hernia mesh simply fails to do what it was designed to: prevent the hernia from coming back. A hernia can reform months or years after surgery. Hernia recurrence occurs after 12 to 13% of all hernia repair surgeries. With every additional hernia repair surgery a patient undergoes, the success rate drops lower and lower.

Get Help Now


Free Case Evaluation

If you suffered surgical mesh complications after hernia repair surgery, you may be eligible to file a lawsuit. Find out if you qualify.

Defective Medical Device Lawyers

MedFault’s defective medical device lawyers have the skills and experience necessary to investigate possible negligence and build a strong case on your behalf. Learn more about how they can help during a free legal consultation.

What To Do If You’ve Been Harmed

Hernia mesh injuries can affect every aspect of your life. Some patients suffer such severe pain and side effects that they are no longer able to enjoy the activities they once could. An injury may force some people to reduce their work hours or not work at all. A sudden drop in income combined with new medical expenses can create an overwhelming nightmare.

Legal Action

Patients who were injured by their hernia mesh after hernia repair surgery may qualify for compensation. Thousands of injured individuals have filed lawsuits against the manufacturers for failing to conduct adequate safety testing prior to selling their mesh products. Some hernia mesh lawsuits have already settled. In 2011, C.R. Bard settled 3,000 lawsuits for a total of $184 million.

A hernia mesh lawsuit may result in compensation for the following:

  • Medical expenses
  • Loss of earnings
  • Pain and suffering

Contact MedFault

Hernia mesh injuries can upend your life. For most people, the thought of pursuing legal action during a health crisis seems unimaginable. That is where MedFault comes in.

Our medical and legal experts can review the circumstances of your injury during a free consultation. If we find that you may qualify for compensation, we will connect you with a qualified hernia mesh lawyer in our network. They will handle the investigations and litigation while you recover from your injuries. Our lawyers work on a contingency fee basis which means you will only pay if they win your case and compensation for you.

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