About MedFault

MedFault provides the latest information on medical errors and injuries.

We help you detect possible medical malpractice or abuse, review dangerous complications of well-known drugs and medical devices, and find help to begin healing after a medical injury.


Our Mission

We trust that our healthcare providers and pharmaceutical companies have our best interests at heart. But far too many Americans are left with life-altering injuries and trauma after relying on a doctor or nursing home for essential care and treatment, or trusting that a newly prescribed medication or device will ease their painful symptoms and improve their health.

Medical errors are the third most common cause of death in America. Only heart disease and cancer claim more lives. Studies from universities like Johns Hopkins estimate that more than 250,000 Americans die every year from medical mistakes.

Recovery after a preventable medical injury can be painful and overwhelming to navigate. That’s why we created MedFault. Our mission is to provide trusted, straightforward information that individuals need to understand their medical injury and pursue justice for the harm they may have suffered.

What Is MedFault?

Healthcare providers, pharmaceutical companies, and medical device manufacturers are supposed to prioritize patient safety over profits. But sadly, this is not always the case. Sometimes pharmaceutical drugs are rushed to market despite dangerous side effects, medical professionals cut corners to see as many patients as possible, and nursing homes fail to hire enough staff to offer the level of care their residents require.

MedFault is a medical advocacy organization that seeks to empower patients with the trusted information and resources they need to help rebuild their lives after a medical injury. We help you understand the signs of potential medical negligence and error and explain your rights if you have been harmed.

Our team of medical and legal experts has researched and broken down each resource available for injured patients so that they can find the medical care and financial assistance they need to begin to heal.

Our Vision

Big Pharma and the healthcare insurance industry may have deep pockets and a wealth of resources that make it difficult to challenge their potentially reckless, cost-saving tactics. But by connecting injured patients with the advocates and lawyers who fight every day to hold these companies accountable, MedFault believes lasting change and justice are possible.

Together, we can create a healthcare industry that is safer for all.

Meet Our Experts

MedFault works with trusted doctors, lawyers, and patient advocates who understand the complexities of medical injuries, pharmaceutical drugs, and medical devices. They review every MedFault article and resource to ensure accuracy and help provide guidance to injured patients who contact MedFault for help.

Standards and Practices

MedFault follows strict editorial guidelines to ensure the information we publish is credible. We rely on peer-reviewed medical journals, information from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA), and other credible publications and organizations to inform our content.

Our Trusted Legal Partners

Whenever the actions of a medical care provider or pharmaceutical company cause patients unreasonable harm, they may be held liable for their actions.

With help from our national network of trusted law firms, we match victims of medical malpractice, nursing home abuse, and dangerous pharmaceutical drugs with experienced attorneys who can help them pursue justice for their injuries. We will never refer someone to a law firm unless we have personally vetted them to ensure they are qualified to provide the best possible legal representation.

By filing a lawsuit, injured patients may be able to recover compensation for the losses they have suffered. This may include damages for past and future medical costs, lost wages and future earning potential, pain and suffering, and more.

If you have questions about a medical injury you believe may have been caused by a medical error, neglect, or a dangerous medication or medical device, please contact us. Our team can help review the details of your case and put you in touch with the resources, advocates, and/or trusted medical injury attorneys who may be able to help you.

Spotlight on Health Issues

We’ve assembled comprehensive resources to help you and your loved ones take a proactive approach to a healthy lifestyle.

Our Blog

How to Spot Medical Malpractice: Warning Signs

People get hurt and fall ill every day and despite the best of intentions,…


November 13, 2021