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Defective or poorly done joint implants can cause more harm than good. Individuals who seek joint implants are often trying escape pain and should not have to face increased or ongoing pain from a device that is meant to help alleviate their symptoms. Anyone suffering from negative health consequences after getting joint implants should let an attorney evaluate their situation and determine whether there is cause for legal action.


Generally, all medical procedures, surgeries, and/or medications come with their own set of risks. However, when it comes to undertaking voluntary procedures, like a joint implant, it is important to be aware of the potential complications before taking your chances.

If you recently had a joint implant procedure and are now suffering from adverse health impacts, you should understand the exact cause of your newfound injury and pain. If you believe someone else’s negligence could have contributed to your current state, consider looking into your legal options.

Potential Joint Implant Complications

If you start to experience health issues after a medical procedure, then it is in your best interests to determine whether a defective implant, poor medical treatment, or other implant-related cause is contributing to your symptoms. Let us go over some of the most common joint implant complications:


While all implants carry some risks, your risks are higher if you opt for a metal-on-metal implant. In these types of implants, metal parts rub against each other when a person moves and exercises. The impact and sliding cause tiny metal particles to wear off the device over time. These metal particles are eventually absorbed into the bloodstream. For some, these tiny particles will not have any impact on their health. However, others are more sensitive to metal buildup and can start to experience negative health effects.

Metallosis occurs when the metal buildup from hip implants leads to metal poisoning. Ongoing exposure to these metals can cause damage to bones, eyes, heart, organs, and even the brain. The best treatment in these situations is to have revision surgery, which can be both expensive and painful.

Extreme Pain

Any type of joint implant procedure will lead to some amount of pain. However, extreme or long-lasting pain is not a common symptom. Extreme pain could be a sign of a complication, defective product, infection, or a medical error. If you are struggling with this after a joint implant procedure, then seek out treatment as soon as possible so a doctor can help you identify the cause.

Implant Dislocation

One of the commonly contested types of hip replacement lawsuits involves implant dislocation. This takes place when the ball of the implant comes out of the socket. In most cases, dislocation happens within the first year of the surgery itself.


Knee replacement lawsuits are typically filed when the implant has led to an infection. Symptoms of infection include swelling, warmth and redness, extreme pain, stiffness, fever, fatigue, and exhaustion. If you get an infection after your knee replacement surgery, you should seek out treatment, because infections can spread to your bloodstream and even become life threatening. Treatments could include antibiotics, IV, or even surgery.

Bone Loss

Another common complication from joint implants is bone loss and degradation. Both are often the result of “wear debris.” Any type of joint implant can leak debris. Since that debris is foreign to the body, the body’s natural response is to attempt to engulf it. When that happens, inflammation and, ultimately, bone destruction follow.

x-ray of person's hand

Recent Recalls You Should Know About

Some joint implant manufacturers have voluntarily recalled their products after learning about the safety risks associated with them. Despite these recalls, manufacturers might still be legally responsible for the fallout if their products caused an injury.

Brands to Watch out For

There are several reasons why a brand might get recalled, including faulty design, packaging errors, early wear, and improper fit. You need to be extra cautious if you received an implant from a brand that was later recalled. Here are a few brands to watch out for:

  • Exactech
  • Stryker & DePuy
  • Depuy Attune knee replacement
  • Zimmer-Biomet
  • Smith & Nephew

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Free Case Evaluation

If you or a loved one suffered serious health complications after getting joint implants, you may be eligible to file a lawsuit. Find out if you qualify.

Recent Joint Replacement Settlements

Statistics indicate that doctors perform over 1 million joint implant procedures every year in the U.S. With numbers like these, it is not surprising that complications can and do occur relatively often. Some of the most recent and relevant settlements include:

  • Rejuvenate and ABG II Hip Metallosis injury: $1.4 billion settlement
  • Biomet (Zimmer Biomet) Metallosis injury: $3.55 million settlement
  • Durom Cupclaims: $479.4 million settlement
  • DePuy Pinnacle and ASR hip: $4 billion settlement
  • Pinnacle hip: $1.7 billion settlement
  • ASR hip resurfacing system: $2.9 billion settlement
  • Biomet M2a Magnum hips: $56 million settlement

Some of these cases were brought by private individuals, but many of them were class action settlements. Class action lawsuits typically happen when multiple individuals are harmed by the same product and decide to seek out a claim against the manufacturer together.

Defective Medical Device Lawyers

MedFault’s network of defective medical device lawyers can help investigate whether negligence led to your or your loved one’s losses and build a strong case on your behalf. Learn more about how we can help during a free legal consultation.

How Does a Joint Replacement Lawsuit Work?

If you have suffered harm from a joint implant error, or from a product that later got recalled, then you need to know about your legal options. By understanding all your options and the overall lawsuit process, you will have a better idea about whether seeking out a claim is in your best interests.

In a nutshell, you would need to file a claim against the negligent party, which may include the device manufacturer, your doctor, or any other entity that is responsible for causing your joint implant complications. For help with identifying who might be liable in your situation, let MedFault connect you with a qualified lawyer.

Are You Considering Filing a Joint Implant Lawsuit?

If you are experiencing health issues after a joint implant, it makes sense for you to consider your legal options and possibly have the court decide who bears the financial costs associated with the joint implant injury. For a successful lawsuit, you must present specific evidence to prove the negligence of the other party, the extent of your injury, as well as the financial losses you have endured.

While it is possible to file a joint implant lawsuit without the help of an attorney, it is difficult to follow through all the processes and potential complications. A joint implant lawsuit is likely to help you recover some of the financial losses you have endured, including additional medical care, time off work, or other losses, but a skilled lawyer can help ensure all your losses are covered in a join implant lawsuit.

two hands in a handshake above a desk
person holding a gavel with other hand resting on book

Should You Hire a Joint Implant Lawyer?

A quality lawyer can help you through every step of your claim, from gathering evidence, to filing paperwork, to arguing in the court of law on your behalf. In case you consider negotiating for a settlement amount before your court date, our legal experts here at MedFault can help prevent an unfair settlement during the negotiation process.

At MedFault, our legal experts can help you build a strong case. You can schedule a confidential case evaluation with us to learn more about your options moving forward.